Useful Sites
Instructional Objectives
Target Audience Prerequisite Requirements
- Recent graduate from NROTC or OCS
- Basic to intermediate computer skills
- Previous experience with DE courses via Internet
Review of Existing Instructional Material
Reviewed the U.S. Naval Academy classroom facilitated courses offered by the Department of Leadership, Ethics, and Law website
. The classic classroom courses can be converted DE delivery as they support course learning objectives . View the high level course flowchart for an overview of modules and topics. Following are reviewed courses. information resources, and simulators from the U.S. Naval Academy (these will be also incorporated in course):
- Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership
- Ingersoll Resource Room
- Last Call Multimedia Ethics Simulator
- Ethical Leadership for the Junior Officer Course (to be modified for DE)
- Stockdale Center Publications and Multimedia
Development of Test Items
Test items assess the attainment of LOs and match the performance required in the LO (including learning type and learning level). Pop-Quizzes, mid and end of course evaluations will help the reinforce acquired knowledge. This short assessments will contain questions from previous as well as present course module the student is working on; by mixing the material will help with encoding and reinforcing the material learned, thus preventing memory fading. Determination of type of test items is based on material being covered and assessment requirements (MIL-HDBK-2912-2A, 2001):
- Multi-choice: test recall of facts and application of rules and procedures, as well discriminations and problem solving.
- True/False Statements: test recall of facts, rules, and procedures.
- Matching Test Items: used to measure a students ability to recognize facts and discriminate among related or similar items.
- Essay Test Item: used to recall facts, apply rules and procedures as well as encourage reflection and creativity. Organize knowledge in the solutions of a problem, and to express their solution in writing. (metaprocesses and learning-transfer)
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