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Needs Assesment
The first step when performing a "needs assesment" is to determine what is the reason for developing a training program. The primaries reason examined are: (a) performance, and (b) training. Lets examine the possible causes we have been tasked to develop a Leadership Course.
- Collect, group, analyze the triggering circumstances.
Below possible triggering circumstances for scenario one:
- Field Commanders comments in regards of how some Junior Officers (JO) handle situations where basic leadership qualities and knowledge are lacking.
- Readiness Review Reports
- Other applicable reports
- Too many complaints from other personnel such as Department Staff Reports.
- Field Commanders comments in regards of how some Junior Officers (JO) handle situations where basic leadership qualities and knowledge are lacking.
- Performance inquiry questions applicable to this scenario:
- What is the real problem?
- What is the real problem?
- What is the extent and gravity of this problem (safety/security/environmental)?
- Who is deficient?
- What impact does this problem have on unit performance?
- Is the problem attributable to a skills/knowledge deficiency?
- What is the major cause of this problem?
Possible determination for scenario one (Problem Statement)- Skills/Knowledge deficiency. The task of leading others requires the application of various principles such as ethics, and personnel management concepts. Since not all JOs follow the US Naval Academy track, there is a possibility the leadership training in NROTC and OCS is not adequate. Observed too was a lack of standardization of leadership courses in both NROTC and OCS; with this in mind we proceeded to evaluate the US Naval Academy Leadership Program and it proves to be more robust. Further, most of the complaint came from NROTC and OCS JOs.
Training Program Assesment: Revision of Existent Program
When considering the type of support that may be needed by the junior officers participating, it is important to consider the culture of the military and of the officers. The leadership course to be developed will build on the foundational knowledge that the junior officers have been trained on in their respective OCS or NROTC. Create a training that is standardized to bring up to par the identified groups and make training more efficient in terms of time, money, or other resources.
Needs Analysis
We determined with the needs assesment the problem the problem with the identified group is a performance problem that can be resolved with training. Because the inadequate training received in the area of leadership, these JOs are failing to deal with ethical and leadership problems adequately. Leadership courses in the NROTC and OCS lack standardization and/or major topics that could help the identified target audience accomplish their task as effective leaders.
Training Solutions
Our target audience is stationed around the globe, on land and sea units; in addition, operational needs may require these JOs to stay in their assigned post. The Navy is a 24/7 operation, and JOs are tasked to various watches in a 24hr span, we are suggesting the following solutions:
- Asynchronous web based delivery
- ADL/SCORM compliant
- Section 508 compliant
- Interactive media instruction (IMI) as well as computer aided instruction (CAI)
- Combination self-paced with lock-step
- Electronic Management System
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- Computer Managed System (CMI)
Instructional Systems Concepts
Leadership training for JOs stationed on various time zones, mission-critical operations precluding the capability of temporary duty assignment for extensive training. Due to this situation training will take place at the JOs units. Equipment requirements are as follows:
- Multimedia capable computers, minimum: 10 workstations.
- Students are required to obtain a thumb drive minimum 4Gb capacity.
- Multimedia workstations should be locate in area free of distracters.
- High-speed Internet access is requirement; we recommend a dedicated network separate from operations network, classified Confidential.
Training Support Personnel
Course will require a cadre of facilitators to assist students with portions of course, questions about topics, evaluation of written assignments, and provide professional feedback. Facilitators should posses Masters in Military Science, Operations Management, or Psychology; a Doctorate in the above specialties is preferred. Prefer having previous military experience as a Commissioned Officer. Experience with teaching and management of Distant Education (DE) courses. Facilitator workload:
- Experience with DE instructional strategies and delivery.
- Able to handle 20 students for the duration of the self-paced course of 18-24 months.
- Able to respond to students inquiries within 48 hours.
- Able to provide feedback to students work within 48 – 72 hours
Unit will designate a Liaison to assist facilitator with administrative issues pertaining student and unit operations discrepancies as well as an IT person (s) to assist facilitator and students with technical issues pertaining to hardware and network. Although not a direct component of the leadership course, it is anticipated that the junior officers may turn to peers or senior officers in their organization for discussion or questions on certain topics (mentorship).
Task Assesment
After the student completes the Leadership course they should be able to perform the following:
- Knowledge-JO must be able to:
- Define terms/principle pertaining leadership and ethics.
- Recall solutions to help mediate leadership and/or ethics situations.
- Evaluate situations against learned principles.
- Compare and contrast learned principles
- Analyze and explain problem situations against learned principles
- Define terms/principle pertaining leadership and ethics.
- Skills-JO must be able to:
- Collect information regarding a problem.
- Write reports to document a problem.
- Lead according to principles learned.
- Correct a problem using principles learned
- Collect information regarding a problem.
- Attitudes-JO must be able to:
- Observe and recognize potential problems.
- Communicate effectively.
- Asses and judge situations against learned principles.
- Assume leadership responsibilities.
- Command effectively.
- Coordinate groups and teams effectively.
- Enforce rules and regulations effectively.
- Develop leadership strategies based on situation.
- Observe and recognize potential problems.
Layout created at Assembly and modified by Lissa Mangini