Useful Sites
Methods and other Considerations
Instructional Methods
Presentation Methods
- Short Lectures- pod cast or streaming media, which can be downloaded for later listening or viewing.
- Indirect Discourse- pre recorded dramatizations, role-playing, or dialogue between panel members.
- Assigned Readings:- as recommended by course and/or facilitator.
Interactive Methods
- Questioning- courseware controlled interactive process used to emphasize a point, stimulate thinking, keep students alert, and check understanding.
- Programmed Questioning- courseware controlled interactive process used to systematically demand a sequence of appropriate student responses, e.g. pop-quizzes throughout a lesson.
- Discussion- an facilitator-controlled interactive process of sharing information and experiences related to achieving an LOs.
Knowledge Methods
- Performance- simulation style situations necessary to attain LOs.
- Case Studies- to provoke analysis and discussion.
Formative and Summative Evaluations
Students will complete multiple formative assessments at the end of each module. Once all modules haven completed, students receive a certificate of completion.
Summative: the uniqueness of this program’s virtual setting allows easy delivery of supplementary material for all students. Upon completion of course, students will complete a summative evaluation tool. Using a Likert rating scale, each JO will provide input to the program implementation. Through electronic communication JOs will access url holding online evaluation tool. Selecting a response will be quick using ratings of strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The feedback will be used to improve future leadership courses. The JOs will address the following areas:
- The objectives of the training where clearly stated.
- The content was at an appropriate level.
- The course materials and content where organized, clear, and effective.
- The facilitator was knowledgeable in the subject area.
- The subject matter and skills learned are pertinent to JOs present and future duties.
- The measurement tool contains an area for comments.
Other Considerations
Selection Constraints
- Geographical- Asynchronous Distributed Learning System (ADLS) was chosen based that target audience is spread throughout the globe in various times zones.
- Availability of Students- Mission-critical situations, such as manpower shortages, lack of funding for travel, and operational constraints make a classroom setting inappropriate. Due to the number of students who join the commissioned ranks thru NROTC and OCS is increasing, and the flow is constant an ADLS is most appropriate.
- ADLS- only problem with some floating units is lack of Internet access at certain times; to resolve this problem the module or lesson can be downloaded to either physical hardrive of computers in the lab. Because the course is not classified (unclassified), the student can download also module or lesson to their flash thumb drive, and view or complete in their personal laptop. Course is packaged and designed in a way that any completed exercise is saved and packaged, thus, the student will be able to upload completed parts of specific piece seamlessly.
Course Instructional Material
- IMI:
- Interactive Courseware
- Electronic publications (pdf)
- Electronic testing
- Interactive Courseware
- Electronic management system (NKO):
- Computer aided instruction (CAI)
- Learning management system (LMS)
- Computer managed instruction (CMI)
- Computer aided instruction (CAI)
- Other materials (digital):
- Study Guides
- Podcast
- Video
- Study Guides
- ADL products:
- Web-Ready
- Web-deliverable- executable files launched via browser
- Web-base- Asynchronous
- Web-downloadable- view/work with content off-line (most cost effective)
- Web-Ready
Cost-Efficiency Considerations
Using an ADLS is the most cost effective way to deliver this course. NROTC and OCS will continue to graduate JOs- a ongoing process. This method meets the student schedule constraints.
The content is stable, meaning the principles of leadership and ethics are not bound to changes such as those with technical skills and/or equipment. The only foreseeable changes are reviewing and changing the case studies as they become non relevant. Given the course is build in a modular framework this should not be a problem with replacing these when necessary.
Recommend a ROI analysis taking in consideration factors such as student time, instructor time, facilitator time, curriculum development and maintenance costs, infrastructure support costs, and the impact on readiness. Nevertheless, without getting into statistical analysis, the student will be able to complete this course at their own pace in their duty station. From an operational value standpoint this cuts in having manpower shortages, thus, cutting on placing the burden on someone else. Also, ADLS cuts on expenses associated with temporary assignments, such as plane ticket, meals, lodging, etc.
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